Portable Industrial Analyzers make Emissions Monitoring
Ensuring that your equipment is safe and up to code is a necessary part of the job. ECOM makes it easy with fast and reliable portable emission analyzers. Engineered to deliver instant, accurate results every time. Their lightweight design and rugged build help you to quickly test so you can get back to work.
ecom-D Handheld Analyzer

ecom-B Plus Handheld Analyzer
Standard Features for ecom-D Handheld Emissions Analyzer:
Up to 6 Electrochemical Sensors: O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, CxHy, CH4 & H2S
CO Purge Pump to Prevent Oversaturation
Flue Gas, Ambient, Sensor Temperature & Averaging Test Feature
Onboard Calculations for CO2, Efficiency, Excess Air and O2 Correction
1ft Inconel Probe w/ 9ft or 15ft Standard Sample Line*
Peltier Cooler Sample Conditioner & Condensate Trap (Options)
Standard Features for ecom-B Plus Handheld Emissions Analyzer:
Up to 3 Electrochemical Sensors: O2, CO & NO (NOx Calculation)
Flue Gas, Ambient, & Sensor Temperature Sensors
CO2, Efficiency, Losses, Excess Air, O2 Correction Calculations, Averaging Tests
7ft Sample Line (9ft Available) w/ 9 Inch Probe (1ft Available)
CO Purge Pump to Prevent Oversaturation
Ambient Cooler Sample Conditioner & Electronically Monitored Condensate Trap
You Have A Goal...Is Your Process Holding You Back?
ecom-J2KN Pro Industrial Analyzer
Standard Features for ecom-J2KN Pro Industrial Portable Emissions Analyzer:
Wireless Handheld Remote Display
Up to 9 Gas Sensors (6 Electrochemical and 3 NDIR) O2, CO, CO High, NO, NO2, SO2, Combustibles, CO2, & Methane
Data Logging with Memory Card & On-Board Printer
USB Interface & Bluetooth Link
15ft Sample Line w/ 1ft Inconel Probe (Other lengths available)*
CO Purge Pump to Prevent Oversaturation & Peristaltic Pump for Automatic Moisture Removal
Peltier Cooler Sample Conditioner & Fresh Air Purge Switch
Heated Sensor Block for Thermal Stability
Digital Flow Meter Display
Self Leak Check & Averaging Tests
Flue Gas, Ambient, Sensor Temperature & Dual Range CO Sensors
CO2, Efficiency, Losses, Excess Air, O2 Correction & Mass Emission Calculations
ecom-EN3-F Portable Analyzer
Standard Features for ecom-EN3-F Portable Emissions Analyzer:
Up to 4 Electrochemical Sensors: O2, CO, NO & NO2
Data Logging with Memory Card & On-Board Printer
USB Interface & Bluetooth Link
1ft Inconel Probe with 15ft Sample Line (Other lengths available)*
CO Purge Pump to Prevent Oversaturation
Peltier Cooler Sample Conditioner
Peristaltic Pump for Automatic Moisture Removal
Flue Gas, Ambient, & Sensor Temperature Sensors
Averaging Tests
CO2, Efficiency, Losses, Excess Air, & O2 Correction Calculations